Instead of worrying about the gloom and doom from global warming, Medical Innovation (MI), is bringing innovation to solve severe climate issues and environment concerns. With mission to limit global warming to within 2oc, MI is bringing together technologies, passionate and skilled people, international investors, and innovation. We are committed to environment sustainability goals and our journey as the ambassador to Mother Earth has begun!  

With a compassion-driven vision to reduce air/water pollution, we aim to be largest contributor to reduce greenhouse gases in India. Our strategy stands on strong pillars:

Circular Economy: Linear economy of use and throw is not sustainable. We use Integrated Solid Waste Management to “reuse and recycle” and then convert the rest of waste into fuel, as a replacement of fossil fuel. Cube Infrastructure, our ISWM company has processes that prove that “garbage is gold” as real value and wealth creation is continually possible circularly and sustainably.


Alternative Fuels: Fossil fuels (coal, crude petroleum) are causing severe global warming with catastrophic consequences leading to existential crisis for humans. 2 Degrees Clicon, our alternative fuel company has patented technologies and processes to convert waste to useful industrial fuel (e.g., plastic into alternative to diesel, wet waste into bio-CNG, garbage into refuse-derived fuel).


Hazard Removal: Practice of dumping in landfills is indiscriminate. Our Medical Innovation team has devised processes with latest technologies to hygienically sort and consolidate waste efficiently to reduce fuel usage and safely remove medically hazardous waste.


Greenhouse Gases: We have patented technologies and processes to reduce greenhouse gases by using catalysts and FGD (flu gas desulfurization).

MI’s business model addresses ESG goals while delivering 

positive returns for the shareholders and various 

stakeholders sustainably. 


MI is quality conscious (we are implementing ISO 9000, 

14000, EHS and other quality and safety initiatives

 within its group companies) and ethical governance.


 Driven by research, our scientists continue to innovate. 

With globally renowned and experts as directors, and 

advisors we are working on solving water pollution,

 e-waste management (e.g., lithium-battery recycle and recovery) and biofuels (e.g., spent-turmeric oil).

2 Degree

Not yours. Not mine. It is OUR problem.


Turning poison into medicine


Burning right burning bright


Breathe clean
live clean


Good riddance to
bad rubbish

There is still time.

Save our planet. Act now. 


Medical Innovation 

Pvt Ltd

Hyderabad, India

E : info@medical-innov.com